Public authorities

Found 2519 public authorities in the category ‘Nurture, education, sports and science’

0 requests.
Zahtjeve za Sveučilišni odjel za studije mora možete poslati putem Sveučilišta u Splitu.
0 requests.
Also called StucSB Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Studentski centar u Slavonskom Brodu brisano je 2021. g. te kao takvo više ne postoji.
0 requests.
Also called Studentski centar Pula
1 request.
Also called FFRI
2 requests.
Also called MedRI
5 requests.
Also called PFRI
0 requests.
Also called PravRI
1 request.
Also called RITEH
2 requests.
Also called UFRI
0 requests.
Also called UNISB
0 requests.
Ovo je tijelo nasljednik Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Studentski centar u Slavonskom Brodu.
1 request.

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