Freedom of Information request - School records between 1899 and 1920

Trenutno čeka odgovor Općina Lanišće, Lanišće, trebaju odgovoriti nominalno do (detalji).

Dear Općina Lanišće,

Pursuant to the Law on the Right to Access to Information, I am requesting the certain information.

I am conducting genealogical research on my great-grandparents. I have reason to believe that my great grandfather attended primary school in Lanišće between 1899 and 1920.

1: Does the school archive contain a list of students who attended between 1899 and 1920?
2: If yes, is there a way to obtain a copy of any evidence indicating that my great-grandfather was a student in the Lanišće school during that period?
3: What is the preferred method for making a request for obtaining my great-grandfather's school records, assuming they exist?

Please accept my most kind regards,

Matthew Tierney