Standing orders of Deputy Clubs
Dear Hrvatski sabor, Zagreb,
according to Art. 30, Sentence 2 of the Sabor Standing Order, the deputy clubs need to enclose their procedural rules (Rules of Procedure) to the declaration of foundation and submit both to the Speaker of Parliament and Secretary of Parliament. Therefore, I would like to request (electronic) copies of any available Rules of Procedure of deputy clubs from the current convocation.
Yours faithfully,
Oliver Kannenberg
Dear Mr. Kannenberg, your request has been received. You will receive an answer as soon as possible, and within 15 days at the latest.
Thank you for your understanding.
With respect,
Vesna Stanković Benak, dipl. polit./M.A. in Political Science
Službenica za informiranje / Information Officer
Republika Hrvatska / Republic of Croatia
Hrvatski sabor / Croatian Parliament
Trg sv. Marka 6, 10 000 Zagreb
e-mail: [Hrvatski sabor, Zagreb e-mail za zahtjeve]
Dear Mr. Cannenberg, I am sending you the Rules of Procedure of the Political Groups in the Croatian Parliament (in Croatian = klubovi zastupnika) following your request for access to information from August 2, 2022.
You can always find up-to-date information about Political Groups here:
Thank you for your submission to the Croatian Parliament.
With respect,
Vesna Stanković Benak, dipl. polit./M.A. in Political Science
Službenica za informiranje / Information Officer
Republika Hrvatska / Republic of Croatia
Hrvatski sabor / Croatian Parliament
Trg sv. Marka 6, 10 000 Zagreb
e-mail: [Hrvatski sabor, Zagreb e-mail za zahtjeve]
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